What does a yellow battery mean on iPhone?
I have come across many iPhone users anxiously asking the question – why is my iPhone battery yellow on the battery status bar? Here in this post, I am going to explain what does a yellow battery mean on iPhone. But before that let’s first look into why the iPhone battery icon changes color.
Why iPhone battery icon changes color?
The iPhone battery icon on the status bar should normally remain white when it’s not charging and the charge is over 20%. Whenever the battery charge drops below 10 percent the iPhone charging symbol turns ‘red’ indicating that the phone battery needs immediate charging otherwise, your iPhone may go ‘power off’ at any time soon.
The iPhone charging symbol turns ‘green’ on the battery status bar when your phone is plugged in for charging.
Now let me answer your query – why is my iPhone battery yellow colour and what does a yellow battery mean on iPhone?
Why is my iPhone battery yellow on the battery status bar?
You may sometimes hear from iPhone users – why is my battery yellow? If at any time you see the iPhone yellow battery icon on the battery status bar, you should not worry as the yellow battery indicator on iPhone does not indicate anything wrong or malfunctioning of your device. Then what does yellow color on iphone battery mean ?
There is an important feature in your iPhone called ‘Low Power Mode’ which has been added by Apple to save battery power. When this iPhone power saving mode is enabled it turns the iPhone battery icon yellow. Battery percentage also appears on the status bar along with the yellow battery icon.
Now that you got the answer to your query – why is my iPhone battery yellow colour, now let’s see what is the significance of ‘iPhone Low Power Mode’.
Why use iPhone Low Power Mode?
The iPhone Low Power Mode feature is useful when the battery level of your iPhone is low. Whenever the battery gets low this iPhone power-saving mode extends the life of the battery and prevents it from completely dying out before you recharge your phone. In this mode, your iPhone continues to operate for a longer period with a low battery by consuming less power through some changes in the functionalities in some of the high-demand features of the device. As already mentioned when Low Power Mode is on, the yellow battery indicator on iPhone appears and you’ll see the battery percentage.
This ‘Low Power Mode’ feature of your iPhone automatically turns ‘on’ when the battery goes below 20% when you will see the iPhone yellow battery icon on the status bar. Again after your iPhone battery is charged to 80% or higher, ‘Low Power Mode’ automatically turns off. You can also enable this ‘power saving mode’ manually in the battery options in settings, to save battery usage. When your device reaches 20% in battery power left you will receive a ‘low battery power’ message prompting you to activate the ‘Low Power Mode’.
Therefore, the appearance of the iPhone battery yellow icon and battery percentage on the status bar could mean that the ‘Low Power Mode’ is made ‘on’ either automatically or manually or by selecting ‘yes’ when a prompt appears asking if you wish to place your device in ‘Low Power Mode’.
However, when this feature is on, some of the iOS features like mail fetch, Hey Siri, Background app refresh, Automatic downloads, and some visual effects, are reduced or turned off.
Power saving mode iPhone – how to turn it on or off
Let us now look into how to enable or disable the power-saving mode iPhone.
In order to turn the ‘iPhone Low Power Mode’ ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’, go to Settings > Battery > then Toggle the slider to the ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ position. When you enable this feature i.e. make it on, the iPhone yellow battery icon appears on the status bar. When you disable the feature i.e. turn it ‘off’ you will see the battery icon turning from yellow to white or red depending on the percentage of the battery remaining on your phone.
For quicker access to Low Power Mode, you can also add it to the control center. To do this go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls, then select Low Power Mode to add it to Control Center. You can now swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the battery-like button to enable or disable Low Power Mode.
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Frequently asked questions
Now that I have explained what does a yellow battery mean on iPhone, let me also answer some other questions related to, why is my battery yellow often asked by users:
What does low power mode do?
Low Power Mode reduces the consumption of power by your iPhone through some changes in the functionalities of some of the high-demand features of the device. In this mode, your iPhone will last longer before you need to charge it again.
Is low power mode bad for iPhone batteries?
Low Power Mode reduces the consumption of power by your iPhone when the battery gets low by changing functionalities in some of the high-demand features of your iPhone. In this mode, your iPhone will last longer before you need to recharge it. The Low Power Mode doesn’t affect the health of your battery.
Is it better to charge iPhone in low-power mode?
It will charge faster when power is reduced. In low-power mode, your iPhone battery will charge much faster than in regular mode.
Is it bad to keep the battery in low power mode all the time?
By keeping your iPhone in low power mode you can reduce the frequency of charging your device. However, the trade-off is, in low Power Mode certain features and settings on your phone will be disabled to help make the battery last longer. Therefore, you will have to take some time to configure an acceptable trade-off.
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It is hoped that after going through the post explaining the significance of the iPhone yellow battery, you will no longer wonder – why is my iPhone battery yellow on the status bar? In short, below is the answer to your query – why is my battery yellow on my iPhone?
When the iPhone Low Power Mode is enabled due to a low battery state, you will see the yellow battery indicator on iPhone status bar. This icon of the yellow battery on iPhone will remain till the battery is charged 80 percent and above when the feature shall automatically turn itself off. However, if the power saving mode is turned on manually to save battery usage, the iPhone charging symbol will stay yellow till the battery is 100 percent charged.
Hence, when you know the reason for your query, why is my battery on iPhone yellow as explained above, there should not be any cause of worry if you see a yellow charging bar on iPhone instead of green.
The above iPhone power saving mode is a very useful feature for extending the battery life of your iPhone significantly. This feature can extend your iPhone’s battery life up to three hours when in a low battery state, depending on your use of the device.